“Live and Let Live”: Cameron’s version

Paper review- Introduction 4540

  • The UK’s EU referendum is being covered broadly in the past few days. As the discussions of EU leaders are taking place in Brussels, a progress is expected to emerge tonight, February 19th.
  • Britain is getting ready for a referendum on its membership of the European Union. The vote will be the first for the last 41 years. David Cameron is expected to announce the date later this week, what expected to be June 23.
  • The discussions in Brussels are carrying the aim to get all the EU leaders to agree on certain changes, and to create a credible deal, for both sides.


The Process:

  • As a foreign student, the whole topic of the UK’s membership in the EU was rather blurred. However, the wide discussions lead me to learn about it in depth. When I first approached the topic, I have read the BBC’s explanation– which guided me to understand what is it all about.

In order to learn the different angles of the current discussions- I have read The Telegraph, The Times, The Guardian and The Sun. Each highlight a different angle of the discussion.

  • The following link, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p03k594j, remain an example of a podcast that teaches a lot of the opposed opinions around the referendum. Even though the audio piece is not a paper review- it suggests an interesting discussion of the possible consequences  of the referendum.

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