Critical Evaluation- Audio

During the past six weeks, and particularly in the preparation of the last two features- I have discovered a whole new world of journalism. As radio was never my main interest in the field, I didn’t know much about the creativity it allows. I am glad for the skills I’ve developed, from the technological knowledge and practice to a whole new style of writing. It was challenging but opened my eyes and my thirst for radio journalism.

As to the audio pieces, I have really enjoyed the radio feature. The paper review was an experience in terms of analysing the stories and writing the script but was less challenging and creative. The radio feature, however, was such an adventure- developing the idea, using creativity, even though the content is rather political- combined my greatest passions in the journalism world.

I believe that through the radio feature I indeed achieved my goals, even though there’s a lot to improve. Start with the idea- I believe that focusing a wide topic to 02:30 minutes was the hardest part for me, and made me quite messy during the process. I was glad that eventually I gave up part of the material, to try and make it more focused, with a stronger message. in terms of editing, I felt quite confident and excited to create it.

In the wider multimedia content, I believe that the audio allows us a different depth of the story. without many words, the sound may convey different angles and emotions, that would have required much more length in print journalism.


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